Welcome to Edith Wharton's Library! This site displays searchable image files for the books contained in Wharton's library at The Mount, her historic estate in Lenox, MA.

Browse Items (453 total)

2nd edition. Illustrated, with a frontispiece from a drawing by Walter Paget.

Kingsley was a supporter of the 19th c. English religious movement known as "muscular Christianity" (of which Wharton's associate, Theodor Roosevelt, was also an…

2005_047_1539 copy.pdf
Reprint, blurbs from Bridges and Keats. Dover's perspective on Shakespeare's life.

2005_047_1538 copy.pdf
Second edition with additional chapters, Rev. W.A. Wigram is the author of "The History of the Assyrian Church" and Sir Edgar is the author of "Northern Spain", Sir Edgar created the illustrations for the book. An essay on life in Kurdistan from the…

Wilde_Reading Gaol.pdf
The volume is attributed to the author "C.3.3.," which was Wilde's prisoner number while he was held at Reading Gaol. Wilde wrote this long poem upon his release in 1897, while living in France.

Duodecimo volume bound in decorative, cloth-covered…

2005_047_1534 copy.pdf
No title on cover/no title page. Inscription of previous owner on page 3. Pages a little worn and with some spots of mold. A dedication to Robert Earl of Lytton on page 4. Stamp of copyright on page 5. Stamp of printer's (an elaborate ship) logo on…

2005_047_1500 copy.pdf
First English edition. Ramsden mentions "13 holograph corrections." Inscribed: "The Garden House Saltwood."

2005_047_1499 copy.pdf
Walter Berry's copy; contains an inscription by Edith Wharton, "W. E." Within the contents list there are four poems ticked. Some passages are marked. There is a newspaper review of the volume laid in at the front.

2005_047_1498 copy.pdf
Book is illustrated and was Harry Jones's copy. Noted as the first English edition. It contains an inscription which was written by Jones's sister, "For H.E.J. from E.W. January 1909." Ramsden remarks Harry Jones as, "being the third passenger on the…

2005_047_1508 copy.pdf
Edith Wharton's signature is present before the title page. This is the first English edition. This novella is about the aftereffects of the French battles during World War I along the Marne River through the viewpoint of an American boy, Troy…

2005_047_1222 copy.pdf
Slight marks and stains noticeable on title page.

2005_047_1221 copy.pdf
Wharton's bookplate appears on the inside cover. Dark specks on endpapers and on title page.

This book is a first edition and printed on woven paper. Written on the paste down is "To Mrs. Wharton With the compliments of W. H. Schofield Paris, 1911." Schofield was a Harvard academic and founder of the Harvard Studies in Comparative…

Signed "Edith Wharton" on fly page. The text is printed on woven paper. This is a first edition of the fourth volume in a series of five, of which four remain in her library.

Bookplate on the verso paste down says, "Edith Wharton Sainte-Claire-du-Château Hyères." Signed "Edith Wharton" on recto fly page. The text is on woven paper. There are markings on pages 4, 6, 10, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 22, 23, and 278. There is a check…
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